Natural Snack Ingredients

you will find in my Chocolate or Vanilla Snacks

Each of the Natural Snack Ingredients listed below will give you a general idea as to how each one will aid you in suppressing your appetite while removing cravings, while at the same time regulating your blood sugars.

Natural Fructose: Also know as levulose and fruit sugar, fructose is the sweetest of all the simple sugars (e.g., glucose, fructose, galactose). Fruits contain between 1 and 7% fructose, although some fruits have much higher amounts. Fructose makes up about 40% of the dry weight of honey..

Low-Heat Non Fat Milk: Non fat dry milk is a wholesome dairy product made from fresh milk. Only the cream and water are removed. It still contains the calcium and other minerals; the vitamins, natural sugar and high quality whey proteins that make liquid milk such a valuable food.

Whey Protein Concentrate (undenatured): Out of the many protein sources out there, whey protein is the ultimate. It comes from milk. During the process of turning milk into cheese, whey protein is separated out.

Rich in nutrients it will raise the body's primary anti-oxidant levels and enhance your immune system. Whey Protein will also enhance the body's ability to increase insulin like growth factor-1 enabling your body to burn fat and increase lean muscle mass more efficiently..

Soy Lecithin: Extracted from soy beans, the same crop used to produce soy sauce and tofu (soy bean curd). Soy Lecithin binds chemically with cholesterol, thus reducing the amount of pure cholesterol in the bloodstream. Soy beans have tremendous medicinal potential. They contain estrogen-like compounds that, by taking the place of human estrogen, may ease symptoms of menopause and reduce the risk of estrogen-dependent tumors such as breast cancer. Researchers have also discovered a soy ingredient called genistein that--at least in the laboratory--appears to curb the growth of tumors.

Calcium Caseinate (undenatured): Is a high quality milk protein product. It is an Amino Acid that increases protein uptake. Aids in muscle building and is a fatigue recovery factor.

Vanilla Bean or Cocoa Bean Powder: The vanilla bean is the fruit of the world’s only edible orchid, native to the New World but now cultivated in tropical regions of Mexico, Tahiti and Madagascar. Its production is a painstaking process requiring months of individual pollination, maturation, and fermentation. The exquisitely aromatic end product, actually a pod, is filled with tiny black seed containing most of the flavor.

Chocolate contains the same type of disease-fighting “phenolic” chemicals as red wine and fruits and vegetables, says Andrew Waterhouse of the University of California at Davis.

These antioxidant phenolics combat cell damage leading to chronic disease such as cancer and heart disease. New Japanese tests show that phenolics extracted from chocolate suppressed cell-damaging chemicals and boosted immune functioning in human blood samples.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Powerful antioxidant. Discovered in 1951, it serves as a coenzyme in the Krebs cycle and in the production of cellular energy. Alpha-lipoic acid is said to prevent or treat many age-related diseases, from heart disease, and stroke to diabetes and Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as declines in energy, muscle strength, brain function, and immunity. Alpha-lipoic acid is also being studied for HIV disease and multiple sclerosis.

Silica: Silica contains quartz silica molecules surrounded by water for easy assimilation and plays a vital role in bone formation, tissue firmness and strength, bone re-mineralization, and hair, skin and nail health.

Choline Bitartrate: Choline is one of the “lipotropic” B vitamins. It is believed that choline helps the body to process and burn fat, and thereby acts as agent supporting weight loss. As choline increases fat metabolism, it has been shown that it lowers blood cholesterol. Wide ranges of health problems are connected to blood cholesterol levels deemed too high. High blood cholesterol leads to a congestion of blood vessels and therefore is often an important factor in heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, Choline assists in keeping membranes healthy and in preventing gallstones. It is also most useful in the maintenance of the nervous system, assisting memory and learning, and may help to fight infections, including hepatitis and AIDS. Choline is critical for normal membrane structure and function.

Choline is the major precursor of Betaine and it is used by the kidneys to maintain water balance and by the liver as a source of methyl-groups for methionine formation. It is also used to produce the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It assists in nerve impulse transmission, gallbladder regulation, liver functions and lecithin production.

A sufficient intake of choline, primarily via the consumption of lecithin, is believed to have a positive effect on some mental functions, especially those connected to memory.

Betaine HCL: Betaine hydrochloric acid assists the body’s natural stomach acids in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. As we age, we produce less hydrochloric acid, which reduces our ability to efficiently absorb nutrients from either food or supplements. Reduced hydrochloric acid production in the stomach reduces calcium absorption and can therefore interfere with bone metabolism. Adding Betaine HCL helps ensure proper absorption of nutrients.

L-methionine: L-methionine is a protein amino acid. L-Methionine is not synthesized in the body and must be obtained from food sources or from dietary supplements. In addition to being a good source of Sulfur, L-Methionine is important in the treatment of rheumatic fever and toxemia resulting from pregnancy. It assists in the breakdown of fats, preventing the build-up of fat in the liver and arteries, which obstructs blood flow to the brain, heart and kidneys. This amino acid helps the digestive system, interacts with other substances to detoxify harmful agents, aids muscle weakness, helps to prevent brittle hair, and is beneficial for allergic chemical sensitivities and osteoporosis. Cysteine and Taurine may rely on Methionine for synthesis in the body.

Chromium Chelavite (amino acid chelate): Chromium is needed to help maintain normal blood sugar, acting as a co-factor with insulin.

It is estimated that Americans get only half the chromium they need each day. Although humans need chromium only in trace amounts, too little chromium in the human diet can lead to serious health problems.

After chromium enters the human body, it teams up with other elements to keep our metabolism tuned and efficient. Food processing techniques can remove nearly all of it, leading to dietary deficiencies. Minerals by themselves are usually hard to absorb and require helper molecules as chaperones to usher them into the bloodstream, and through the cell wall where they can be put to work. Certain bonding molecules are better than others in order for us to efficiently absorb and utilize chromium.

For proper absorption of chromium, the body depends on a natural form of chromium which is "chelated,"or joined to helper molecules. The general environment of the bowel is also important for absorption. Such factors as enzymes,pH (acidity or alkalinity), and bacterial action on food in the bowel can make a big difference on how much chromium gets into the bloodstream.

Also contains trace minerals, milk and soy ingredients.

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